An exciting development for Give a Dog a Home! We are forming a new activity that will be dedicated to promoting, facilitating and funding small scale canine sterilisation programmes in the countries we have links with. This division will be known as Spay It Forward. In due course this will become a self standing charitable organisation, separate from Give a Dog a Home. Initially the work of Spay it Forward will be sponsored by Give a Dog a Home from its mainstream activities and supplemented through other fundraising. It will share the same leadership team. We hope it will help small private rescuers to prevent unwanted births in their own localities. It will fund the spaying and neutering of street dogs and thereby help prevent some of the terrible suffering we witness now.
As our first project, we have funded the spaying of three females outside the shelter belonging to Roxana Tudose and Eugen Rotaru. A further 6 sterilisations will follow. We are pleased and excited to be able to help some of the disadvantaged dogs in this way as well as homing them.