Lost Dog Instructions
1. Initially, stay in the area where the dog disappeared, as a dog will often return to that spot. Check areas your dog is familiar with, take strong smelling treats and your dog’s favourite toy (especially if it squeaks!) when out searching.
2. Report your dog as missing to your microchip company. This will stop someone being able to try and change the microchip details.
3. Contact your local dog warden. Your local council’s dog warden service will collect any stray dogs found wandering the street. If you are close to the council border, contact the neighbouring wardens too - anyone who has found your dog may return home and then call their local dog warden, so neighbouring areas are important.
4. Notify any local kennels.
5. Contact any local animal rescue centres and if your dog came from a rescue, let them know as well. Many rescue centres keep a lost and found database and can offer support, advice and even a physical presence in your search.
6. Report your dog missing to all the vets in your area - make a note so you can update them later.
7. If you suspect your dog has been stolen, report it to the police and get a crime ref number.
8. www.doglost.co.uk – you can complete your dog’s details TODAY for free which may save valuable time. Create a login, register all the details and photos and get a missing dog poster.
9. Spread the word – share your Doglost poster & details on Facebook (own page and community pages and don’t forget to make it ‘shareable’) Take the post to local shops and pet shops. Don’t forget to specify if your dog is approachable / has specific fears / likes treats etc
10. Don’t give up. Keep sharing the information, return to the area with old bedding and treats, and follow up the leads. Once your dog is home safely, let everyone know (including everyone above that you rang!), and remove posters from local shops.
We strongly recommend that you print this off before you need it - jot down the phone numbers you might need in your area and create a page on Dogslost
Useful websites and phone numbers:
Animal Search UK – it is worth contacting them and giving all the information about your missing/lost pet.
K9Tracker – contactable via FB. This is run as a voluntary service but donation is requested. The lady who runs this uses tracker dogs. To request they track a missing dog, it is best you make contact asap as the scent will lessen after a day or two.
Colin Butcher – The Pet Detective. Colin runs a company that investigates animal theft and works to recover stolen and missing dogs (and cats) throughout the UK. He is based in Sussex. This is a paid for service.
https://thepetdetectives.com/index.php 01403 753463
Drone SAR for Lost Dogs UK – this is a group of drone operators who are very willing to help in the search for a lost dog. You can find the group on FB.